Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc

Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc

Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc

Control Event Rate  
Exp Event Rate  

Abs Benefit Increase  
Rel Benefit Increase  
Decimal Precision  


Equations used
AbsBenefitIncrease = ControlEventRate - ExpEventRate
RelBenefitIncrease = AbsBenefitIncrease / ControlEventRate
NNT = 1 / AbsBenefitIncrease




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All information contained in and produced by the EBMcalc system is provided for educational purposes only. This information should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CLINICAL JUDGMENT OR GUIDE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE IN ANY MANNER. Click here for full notice and disclaimer.
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Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc, Mitchell Admin 14 tháng 3, 2024
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